ICSA2022 - 5th International Conference on Structures and Architecture
Through the critical framing, 'a viable urban perspective', ICSA2022 stresses the commitment and responsibility of structures and architecture as drivers of a viable urban development that address the pressing global social, economic, and environmental challenges facing us.
Conference Chairs: Prof. Marie Frier Hvejsel and Prof.Paulo J.S. Cruz |
ICSA2019 - 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture
The international conference that bridges the gap between architecture and structural engineering.
The aim of ICSA2019 is to present research and developments on the merging of architecture and structural engineering.The conference will facilitate the meeting of international participants interested in the recent advances in the art, practice and theory of designing and building infrastructures in which the structural and architectonic values are consciously combined and the contribution of each other is mutually enhanced.
Conference Chair: Prof. Paulo J.S. Cruz
ICSA2016 - 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture
The aim of ICSA2016 is to present research and developments on the merging of architecture and structural engineering. The conference facilitate the meeting of international participants interested in the recent advances in the art, practice and theory of designing and building infrastructures in which the structural and architectonic values are consciously combined and the contribution of each other is mutually enhanced.
Conference Chair: Prof. Paulo J.S. Cruz
8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management
The 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (www.iabmas2016.org) is organized on behalf of the International Association for Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) under the auspices of the University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
IABMAS 2016 aims at providing an appropriate atmosphere for the exchange of experiences related to bridge maintenance, safety, and management.
Challenging Glass Conference 5
Challenging Glass is an international bi-annual conference that aims at gathering world class designers, engineers, researchers and industry partners to discuss on the architectural and structural use of glass.
Previous editions of the Challenging Glass conferences have been held in 2014 at the EPFL in Switzerland and in 2012, 2010 and 2008 at the TU Delft in The Netherlands.
The upcoming edition of the Challenging Glass Conference, edition 5, is planned for 16 & 17 June 2016 at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. The conference is organized byChristian Louter (TU Delft), Freek Bos (TU/e) and Jan Belis (UGent).
INGLASS - Glass Architecture & Glass Engineering Int. Expo Conference
INGLASS International Architecture Expo Conference is addressed to architects, engineers, glass producers, glass processors, equipment providers and end-users. INGLASS is about glass and glass construction, architecture and engineering, façade systems, energy efficiency and sustainability. Over 100 participants in the audience will attend the 2015 edition.
The aim of the expo conference is to promote at the European level the best practice examples in contemporary architecture, the transfer of know-how and the exchange of ideas. Highly-awarded speakers, among whom the winners of the latest editions of the internațional architecture awards, present in the program of INGLASS Warsaw their latest glass projects, their interpretation and innovative uses of glass in the built environment, its spirit, its material and immaterial qualities.
The event is organized by ABplus Events, founded in 1997, professional event organizer that has in its portfolio over 150 important events for different industries: constructions, energy, education, health, agriculture, services. ABplus Events is the creator of the Romanian “exhibition national network” concept and leader in the exhibition market for construction industry through CAMEX brand. ABplus Group of Companies is specialized in creating, developing and organizing large events like: international expo conferences, fairs, exhibitions, conferences, festivals.
The Future Envelope 9 - Conference on Building Envelopes
We refer to Unobtainium as a material or technology which is perfectly suited for a particular application, except that it does not exist yet or is extremely costly or difficult to obtain. Unobtainium is the answer to many of our technological and architectural challenges. What type of new materials will allow us to embed new functionalities in building envelopes? Which technologies will lead to more efficient and durable construction details? What concepts or systems will lead to energy savings and higher comfort?
During the ninth edition of the annual conference, international speakers from the disciplines of project development, material technology, façade design, and architecture will share their experience and visions of the future building envelope.
The Future Envelope is organized by the Facade Research Group, TU Delft in cooperation with the Center for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT), University of Bath and the European Façade Network (EFN) and sponsored by industrial partners.
40th IAHS World Congress on Housing
The 40th IAHS World Congress will take place in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal) from December 16-19, 2014. It is being organized by ITeCons - Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction Sciences, of the University of Coimbra. The broad scope of the International Association for Housing Science (IAHS) series of conferences makes this an excellent place to discuss any issue related to housing science. IAHS 2014 will emphasize energy efficiency and the sustainability in construction.
As usual, the participants of the conference can visit the exhibition halls of the fair trade with all their special shows and highlights. On the evening of the first day we welcome our guests to "get together" in a special atmosphere at the "glass technology live - area".
GLASS 5.0 - Design | Function | Emotion
The International Architecture Congress with the theme: Glass 5.0 not only presents the technical capacity of the high-tech material glass but also the glass design of the future in all of its aesthetic facets.
Engineered Transparency - International Conference at Glasstec
The conference will take place as usual parallel to "glasstec", the internationally renowned traid fair around the theme "glass". The four-day exhibition is accompanied by some special shows and conferences. These are organized by numerous partners in cooperation with Messe Dusseldorf.
The "glasstec" next year will open the exhibition halls from 21 to 24 October 2014. Notwithstanding the previous meetings is the "engineered transparency" from 21 to 22 October 2014 (Tuesday to Wednesday) equal to the fair trade start in the CCD South. The organization of the event has started with high pressure! The Call for Abstracts will starts in October 2013.
As usual, the participants of the conference can visit the exhibition halls of the fair trade with all their special shows and highlights. On the evening of the first day we welcome our guests to "get together" in a special atmosphere at the "glass technology live - area".
7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management
The 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (www.iabmas2014.org) is organized on behalf of the International Association for Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) under the auspices of Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
The aim of IABMAS 2014 is to integrate all the outstanding work concerning bridge maintenance, safety, and management and related topics, to promote the related research quality, to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
GlassCon Global is the first event of its kind in North America which brings together global innovations in glass technology to further the development of the glass industry. The conference encourages industry collaboration and communication by providing a practical, educational forum where glass professionals can expand their knowledge in a continually evolving technological environment.
Challenging Glass 4 Conference & COST Action TU0905 Final Conference
Challenging Glass and COST Action TU0905 have joined forces in the organization of an International Conference on the Architectural and Structural Applications of Glass.
The conference aims at gathering world class designers, engineers and researchers on the architectural and structural use of glass, and will take place 6 – 7 February 2014 at the EPFL – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland. The conference chairs are Dr Christian Louter (EPFL, CH), Dr Freek Bos (Witteveen+Bos) and Prof Jan Belis (UGent, BE).
For more information and registration, please visit www.challengingglass.com
Seminar on Structural Glass
The recent architectural trendsand technological developments in the glass industry entailed profound changes in the use of this material. In spite of the fact that this material has been restricted to non-structural functions in the recent past, nowadays its use has become a general practice as a structural material. The last decade has witnessed the development of various structural glass concepts, able to achieve high post-ruptureresistances. Some of these systemsinclude hybrid steel-glass elements.
This seminar aims to provide the most advanced R&D works on this field carried out in Portugal, particularly in the framework of the project S-GLASS (PTDC/ECM/116609/2010).
The seminar will be held in Exponor - Porto International Fair - Porto, Portugal, 24 October 2013, and is chaired by Prof. Paulo Cruz. For more information and registration, please visit www.cmm.pt/congresso
IX Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista / I Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Construção Metálica Sustentável
The official language of the Seminar is Portuguese.
Mini-symposium on Structural Glass: Crossing Borders
ICSA2013 - The Second International Conference on Structures and Architecture aims to promote the synergy of both disciplines. The contributions on creative and scientific aspects in the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and structural applications represent a fine blend of scientific, technical and practical novelties in both fields.
This conference will be held in Guimarães, Portugal, 24-26 July 2013, and is chaired by Prof. Paulo Cruz.
ICSA2013 will host a mini-symposium on Structural Glass: Crossing Borders. Coordinated by Prof Jan Belis (UGent, BE) and Geralt Siebert (UniBwM, Neubiberg, GE). Given their involvement in COST Action TU0905 – “Structural Glass - Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products” and IABSE WG “Structural Glass”, respectively, the organizers want to bring together a good representation of nowadays projects and research activities which illustrate the growing international network in this domain.
For more information and registration, please visit www.icsa2013.com
Arrábida 50 - The Internacional Symposium on Bridges and Heritage
In June 2013 Arrábida Bridge will complete 50. By happy coincidence, 2013 also corresponds to the centenary of the birth of its author, engineer Edgar Cardoso. Organized by the Engineering Faculty of the University of Porto, ARRÁBIDA50 - The International Symposium on Bridges and Heritage will be held in Porto on June 21, 2013, the eve of the anniversary of the Bridge.
COST Action TU0905 - Mid-term conference on Structural Glass
The European COST Action TU0905 'Structural Glass – Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products’ organizes a mid-term conference on Structural Glass. This conference will be held 18-19 April 2013 in Poreč, Croatia, and will focus on various themes within the structural use of glass.
The conference chair is Dr Danijel Mocibob (Permasteelisa, HR) and organizational support is provided by the Civil Engineering Society of Poreč (HR). The scientific committee is chaired by Prof Jan Belis (UGent, BE) and Dr Christian Louter (EPFL, CH).For more information and registration, please visit www.glassnetwork.org/conference